International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention is one of the TMU Press journals that is published by the responsibility of its Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board in the determined scopes.
Currently known as International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention (eISSN 2476-5279).
Formerly known as International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention (eISSN 2476-5279).
IJMPP is a peer-reviewed, double-blind, and open-access journal dedicated to the publication of manuscripts on topics concerning musculoskeletal pain prevention, Pain prevention education, and musculoskeletal rehabilitation musculoskeletal pain epidemiology, musculoskeletal pain preventive interventional programs, musculoskeletal pain management, musculoskeletal pain preventive lifestyle, biopsychosocial interventional program for musculoskeletal pain prevention , multidisciplinary interventional program for musculoskeletal pain prevention . This journal accepts original research, short communications, case reports, reviews, and letters to editor within the scope of the journal.
Contact information for the journal office:
Journal Address |
Office of Publications, Tarbiat Modares University Press, Central Library Building, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran |
website | |
E-mail | |
Phone |
+98 21 82884547 (Local Time-Iran ) (11 a.m. to 2 p.m) |