Volume 1, Issue 4 (2016)                   IJMPP 2016, 1(4): 169-172 | Back to browse issues page

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Kazemi S S, Rafighi M. Musculoskeletal Disorders among Tarbiat Modarres University Students Living in Dormitories in 2016. IJMPP 2016; 1 (4) :169-172
URL: http://ijmpp.modares.ac.ir/article-32-4925-en.html
1- MSc Health Education & Promotion, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
2- Department of Education and Human Resources Development, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
Abstract:   (6248 Views)
Background: Musculoskeletal disorders are one of difficulties in communities that has negative effect on various aspect of life. The aim of this study was to evaluate musculoskeletal disorders in students.
Materials and methods: In this study cross-sectional descriptive-analytic approach, 306 college students were enrolled by using nonprobability purposive sampling method and also availability. Data was obtained based on demographic data questionnaire and musculoskeletal researcher-made questionnaire. After collecting required data, SPSS software version 19 was used for descriptive and statistical analysis.
Results: According to the obtained results and symptoms associated with musculoskeletal pains, it should be noted that 93 cases suffered from low back pain (30.4%), 76 cases from knee pain (24.8%), 50 cases from shoulder pain (16.3%), 21 cases from heel pain (9.6%), 65 cases from neck pain (21.3%), 10 cases from pelvic pain (3.3%), 50 cases from wrist pain (16.3%), and 6 cases from elbow pain (2%).
Conclusion: The study showed that most students were suffering from musculoskeletal problems in the lower back, knees and neck. Therefore providing correct and sufficient training for the students while doing their daily activities could be of great help in the prevention and control of the musculoskeletal problems in the students.
Keywords: MSD, Students, Dormitory
Full-Text [PDF 245 kb]   (3421 Downloads)    
Subject: Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention
Received: 2017/02/9 | Accepted: 2016/10/1 | Published: 2017/02/9

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