Principles of Transparency
Peer-review process
All submitted articles are evaluated at the submission to meet the structural and subject principles of International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention. The matched articles will gone under a double-blinded peer-review process by at least 3 reviewers (expert in the field who are not part of the journal’s editorial staff) who are selected by the Editorial Board members according to their field specialties. The Editorial Board members have the final responsibility to select the articles.
Governing body
International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention is under the scientific control of Editorial Board whose members are recognized experts in the subject areas included within the journal’s scope. Some executive roles of the Editorial Board members are delegated to the Editor-in-Chief who is well-known in the journal’s scope.
Editorial team
International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention is under the scientific supervision of the Editorial Team whose members are all experts with high number of publications in their field.
Author fees/Access
There are No Fees or Charges at all for submission, reviewing and publishing processes in International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention.
International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention follows the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing.
The content of International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License. To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, we are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants you such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.
Commitment Statement for Human Subjects
Authors are required to provide a commitment statement at the end of each article to ensure the protection of human subjects. This statement should include the following:
- Written consent from study participants
- Compliance with the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki
- Strict adherence to the instructions of COPE and ICMJE in both experimental and clinical studies, including ethical and scientific subjects
If the authors have no specific ethical obligations regarding the human subject in their article, they should state "No specific ethical obligations exist."
Sample Commitment Statement
The authors of this article declare that they have obtained written consent from the study participants and that the study has been conducted in accordance with the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki and the instructions of COPE and ICMJE. Or the authors of this article declare that there are no specific ethical obligations regarding the human subject in this article.
Obtaining written consent from study participants is one of the most important ethical principles in human research. This statement indicates that the study participants have voluntarily and knowingly participated in the study and have been made aware of the risks and benefits of the study.
Compliance with the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki is also another important ethical principle in human research. This declaration sets out general ethical principles for conducting human research.
Compliance with the COPE and ICMJE guidelines is also essential to ensure the quality and validity of human research. These guidelines include items such as accurate and transparent reporting, conflict of interest, and respecting the privacy of the human subject.
By providing this commitment statement at the end of each article, the journal demonstrates its commitment to protecting the rights of human subjects.
Ethical Approval Code
Commitment Statement for Ethical Approval Code
Authors are required to provide a commitment statement at the end of each article to confirm that they have obtained ethical approval for their research. This statement should include the following:
- Ethical approval code number
- Name of the institution that issued the ethical approval
Sample Commitment Statement
The authors of this article declare that they have obtained ethical approval number [ethical approval code number] issued by [name of institution] to conduct this research.Obtaining ethical approval for research is an essential step to ensure that the rights of the research subject are protected. This approval shows that the research has been conducted in accordance with ethical principles.
By providing this commitment statement at the end of each article, the journal demonstrates its commitment to upholding ethical principles in research.
Commitment Statement for Informed Consent
Authors are required to provide a commitment statement at the end of each article to confirm that informed consent has been obtained from the participants in their study. This statement should include the following:
- The method by which informed consent was obtained from the participants in the study.
- The information that was provided to the participants in the study about the nature, purpose, benefits, and potential risks of the study
Sample Commitment Statement
The authors of this article declare that informed consent was obtained from the participants in the study. Informed consent was obtained in writing and orally, and the participants in the study were fully informed about the nature, purpose, benefits, and potential risks of the study. Obtaining informed consent from participants in a study is one of the most important ethical principles in human research. This statement shows that the participants in the study have voluntarily and knowingly participated in the study and have been made aware of the risks and benefits of the study. By providing this commitment statement at the end of each article, the journal demonstrates its commitment to upholding the rights of participants in human research.
In addition to the above commitment statement, the journal may request that authors provide additional information about the informed consent process, such as the date of consent, members of the ethics committee that issued the consent, and any restrictions placed on the research, in their commitment statement
Plagiarism Statement
International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention (IJMPP) takes plagiarism very seriously. Plagiarism is the act of passing off someone else's work as one's own. This includes copying text, ideas, or data from another source without proper citation. IJMPP uses iThenticate or to check all submitted manuscripts for plagiarism. iThenticate or is a plagiarism detection software that compares submitted manuscripts to a database of billions of sources. IJMPP does not have a pre-defined acceptance level for similarity. Instead, we consider the following factors when evaluating manuscripts for plagiarism:
- The amount of similarity
- The nature of the similarity
- Whether the similarity is properly cited
If IJMPP finds that a manuscript contains plagiarism, we will take appropriate action, which may include rejecting the manuscript or requiring the authors to make revisions. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their submitted manuscripts are original works. If authors use the work of others, they must cite it properly. IJMPP is committed to publishing high-quality, original research. By taking plagiarism seriously, we help to ensure that our journal maintains its reputation as a trusted source of information for the musculoskeletal pain prevention community. Please note that the COPE terms and conditions are considered regarding similarity and plagiarism
Duties of Authors / Reporting Standards
Authors of reports of original research submitted to the International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention (IJMPP) are expected to adhere to the following reporting standards:
- Present an accurate account of the work performed, including the methods, results, and discussion.
- Discuss the significance of the work in an objective and balanced manner.
- Represent the underlying data accurately in the paper.
- Provide sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work.
- Avoid fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements.
IJMPP takes these reporting standards very seriously. Any manuscripts that are found to violate these standards may be rejected or retracted. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts meet the above reporting standards.Here are some additional tips for authors to ensure that their manuscripts meet the reporting standards:
- Be clear and concise in your writing.
- Use appropriate grammar and punctuation.
- Avoid using jargon and technical terms that your readers may not understand.
- Provide clear and complete descriptions of your methods and results.
- Provide references to all sources of information that you use in your manuscript.
- Proofread your manuscript carefully before submitting it to IJMPP.
IJMPP is committed to publishing high-quality, original research that is accurate, reliable, and reproducible. By adhering to the reporting standards, authors can help to ensure that their work is published in a reputable journal.
Data Access and Retention Statement
Authors of manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention (IJMPP) are asked to provide the raw data in connection with their paper for editorial review. IJMPP encourages authors to make their data publicly available, consistent with the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases. At a minimum, authors should be prepared to retain their data for a reasonable time after publication.
The following are some guidelines for data access and retention:
- Authors should provide the raw data in a format that is accessible to other researchers.
- Authors should make their data publicly available, if practicable. This can be done by depositing the data in a public repository or by providing a link to the data on their own website.
- If authors are unable to make their data publicly available, they should be prepared to provide it to other researchers upon reasonable request.
- Authors should retain their data for a reasonable time after publication. This is typically at least five years, but may be longer depending on the nature of the research.
IJMPP is committed to promoting transparency and reproducibility in research. By following these guidelines, authors can help to ensure that their data is accessible to other researchers and that their work can be replicated.
Originality and Plagiarism Statement
Authors of manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention (IJMPP) must ensure that their work is original and that any sources used are properly cited or quoted. Plagiarism is the act of passing off someone else's work as one's own, and it is a serious offense.
Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication Statement
Authors should not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently. This is considered unethical publishing behavior. IJMPP takes both of these statements very seriously. Any manuscripts that are found to violate these statements may be rejected or retracted. Here are some tips for authors to avoid plagiarism and multiple, redundant, or concurrent publication:
- Keep track of all sources that you use in your manuscript and cite them properly.
- Do not copy and paste text from other sources without proper citation.
- If you paraphrase another source, be sure to put it in your own words and cite the source.
- Do not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently.
If you have any questions about originality, plagiarism, or multiple, redundant, or concurrent publication, please contact the IJMPP editorial office..IJMPP is committed to publishing high-quality, original research. By following the above guidelines, authors can help to ensure that their work is published in a reputable journal.
Acknowledgement of Sources
Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.
Authorship of the Paper
Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors.The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
Hazards and Human Subject
If the work involves chemicals, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, the author must clearly identify these in the manuscript.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.
Fundamental errors in published works
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.
Duties of Reviewers
Contribution to Editorial Decisions
Peer review assists the editor in making editorial decisions and through the editorial communications with the author may also assist the author in improving the paper.
Any selected referee who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and excuse himself from the review process.
Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to or discussed with others except as authorized by the editor.
Standards of Objectivity
Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Referees should express their views clearly with supporting arguments.
Acknowledgement of Sources
Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation. A reviewer should also call to the editor’s attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which they have personal knowledge.
Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.
Peer reviewer responsibilities toward the author
Authors must be on time in providing written and unbiased feedback based on the scientific value of the work.
Reviewers should be responsible at providing clear and relevant comments to the manuscripts, helping to the authors at progressing quality of the work. Considering personal & financial interests is forbidden. The process of reviewing must be maintained confidential completely.
Peer reviewer responsibilities toward the editor
Determining scientific merit, originality, and scope of the work; indicating ways to improve it, and giving decisions based on rating The direct contact of the judges with the authors should be strictly avoided; Except with the permission and information of the editor. Quickly informing the editor when any problem occurs in reviewing the articles and introducing alternative referees to do that work Considering the guidelines of the journal and the editor in terms of sufficient minimums for judging an article. Providing clear and well-reasoned reasons for deciding on an article Complete avoidance of pursuing any personal or financial interests
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
In addition to keeping the reviewers' comments confidential, the original and copy of the manuscript should not be kept with the reviewers. Reviewers' decisions must be solely based on scientific merit and should not be influenced by reviewers' financial interests or their ethnic, racial, and religious attitudes.The vision of this journal is to find expert reviewers in any field to which manuscripts are send to them. if the reviewers do not have sufficient expertise regarding the manuscript, they should refuse to accept the refereeing.
Reviewer should be responsible for completing the review within the pre-defined time and respect to the limitations of the journal.
Editorial independence & Responsibility
Based on the strategy of this journal, the practical independence of all reviewers, editors-in-chief and associate editors from the point of view of the publisher is fully guaranteed and they will make decisions solely based on their scientific qualifications.
Principles of Editorial independence
Since the Editors-in-chief is generally academician, her payments are independent of their journal activities and. She is not paid for the journal activities. Therefore, our journal does not pay any salary to the editors.
Ethics and Misconduct Statement
International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention is committed to responsible and high-quality publishing. The journal expects all authors, reviewers, and readers to follow ethical principles throughout the publishing process.
Ethical Principles
- Honesty: Authors should avoid providing false or misleading information.
- Acknowledgment: Authors should fully acknowledge all information and data used in their article.
- Conflict of Interest: Authors should disclose any potential conflict of interest in their article.
- Data Manipulation: Authors should not manipulate their data.
- Plagiarism: Authors should not use the work of others without attribution.
- Fraud: Fraud includes any act intended to deceive readers, such as fabricating data, plagiarism, or falsifying authorship.
- Plagiarism: Plagiarism includes using the work of others without attribution.
- Dishonesty: Dishonesty includes providing false or misleading information.
- Acknowledgment: Failure to acknowledge sources for information and data used in an article.
- Non-compliance with ethical principles: Any act that is inconsistent with ethical publishing principles.
International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention is committed to addressing complaints of ethical misconduct. Any complaint should be reported to the editor-in-chief of the journal. The editor-in-chief will establish a complaints committee to investigate the complaint. The complaints committee may include authors, reviewers, and other experts.
International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention expects all authors, reviewers, and readers to follow ethical principles and misconduct guidelines. The journal is committed to creating a responsible and high-quality publishing environment
Publication Ethics
All IJMPP editorial board members, reviewers and authors must adhere to and obey guidelines defined by COPE.Corresponding author is the main responsible and owner of the article so she/he can withdraw the article before entering the review process or when a revision is asked for.
Authors cannot make major changes in the article after acceptance without a serious reason.
All editorial members and authors must resolve to publish any kind of corrections honestly and completely.
Any notes of plagiarism, data fabrication and falsification, simultaneous submission, duplicate publication, improper author contribution or attribution, citation manipulation fraudulent data or any other kinds of fraud must be reported completely to COPE.In case of documented violations of any of the above mentioned policies in any journal, immediate rejection of the manuscript and prohibition against all of the authors for any new submissions for a minimum of 36 months will be applied.
Republishing Policy
International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention journal strongly advises authors to refrain from submitting articles that have already been accepted elsewhere, even if they were accepted in a language other than English or published in local journal.
Withdrawal Regulations
Withdrawal of an article can occur in the reviewing or pre-publication processes. it might be because of a mistake on pre- publication in other journals or not considering journal's ethical codes. In addition, it may be happened due to existing some inconsistency in the declaration of authors’ contributions, or any doubt about accuracy of data, etc. To submit your withdrawal request please send your request to(
Retraction Regulations
Although retraction may be initiated by the journal's editors or by the author(s), however, the mail responsibility about retraction goes to the editors of our journal, even if all or some authors refuse to retract the publication. As soon as editors are convinced that a specific publication is seriously flawed, the published title must be and retracted.
What Are the Compelling Reasons?
High similarity score
Author's bogus claims
Misuse of data
Not considering ethical codes
Undisclosed competing interest
Multiple submission and redundant publication
Article Retraction Process
Authors and/or editor of the journal must sign a retraction statement entitled "Retraction: [article title]. This statement should be published in the paginated part of a subsequent issue of the journal and listed in the contents list. Also, a hyperlink is prepared to the original article in the electronic version. Despite of unchanged original article, the HTML version of the document is removed and a watermark on .pdf file of the article must be made to show that it is "retracted". Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
Publisher and editors of International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention are reasonable to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, among others. In doing so, International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention follows COPE’s guidelines in dealing with allegations.
Ownership and management
International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention
is owned, managed, and published by Tarbiat Modares University, Iran.
Conflicts of interests
All International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention Editorial Board members and the Editor-in-Chief submitted articles are gone under the same reviewing process as the other authors gone. In the cases that a reviewer suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a submitted manuscript or a reader suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a published article (all authors are filling the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest at the submission time) International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention
will follow COPE’s guidelines.
Complaints and Appeals
International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention follows COPE’s guidelines on appeals to journal editor decisions and complaints about a journal’s editorial management of the peer-review process. Any complaint or appeal could be sent to the publisher in these way: Submit a ticket via Publisher Support at
Revenue sources/Advertising/Direct marketing
International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention is financially supported completely by Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, and has no other sources for earning funds. International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention accepts No advertisements in the site or even as a report article.
Publishing schedule/Archiving
Also International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Prevention is included at Google Scholar, DOAJ, and ISC (Islamic World Science Citation Center) database.